Saturday, 6 June 2015

Peaceful Islam

**In accordance with my right to freedom of speech through any means available to me, the following is my interpretation of what I see happening in the world today, my understanding and feelings about Islam.

The best place to start is the beginning.... for me, it was October 2014 when I began noticing ISIS on the news and wondering why they were fighting and how it began. I did a little research, but didn't really understand or have the inclination to do so. It was so far away and didn't affect me. I figured it was just more of the same from the war torn Middle East. I chose to be ignorant.

When Man Monis took hostages in the Sydney Lindt Cafe in December 2014. I couldn't understand why all these people started coming out of the woodworks slamming Muslims and their religion. ISIS doesn't represent what Islam is, the media constantly told me that.

So I rode the #I'llridewithyou train and began explaining to anyone who would listen (and many that wouldn't) how this terrorist couldn't possibly represent all Muslims. He was clearly a radical and interpreted the Koran in the same way that ISIS do. I stood up for the poor Muslims against the rednecks in Australia and forgot about the real victims of this siege. The one's taken hostage or killed that day.

I've always been the sort of person who looks for the good in people (often to my own detriment). It's been instilled in me to look at others with empathy and forgiveness. I try not to tar everyone with the same brush, except I often do. We all do. Because we are judgmental beings. We judge what we don't understand by the only means available to us at the time, by using the values instilled in us at birth from the generations who came before us.

Everything changed for me the day I clicked on yet another video demonstrating Islam to be a religion of peace. I thought it would show me why we can't judge an entire religion by the actions of a radical's interpretation of a religious book. That isn't what this video was about though, what I had clicked on was something I hadn't bothered to learn about because I was so sure I was right (though I didn't have any knowledge to base this righteousness on).

It was the Three Stages of Jihad by David Wood. This video showed me what the media did not and set me on a path of learning. It showed me the strategy of Jihad and how Muslims use a political system to further their cause and ultimately take over the world. (Don't take my word for it, take theirs. Listen to what we are being told by Muslims the world over and believe them, to remain ignorant is to place our own head in the path of the Korans sword). This video demonstrated to me where we are in Australia right now in the first stage. I sat there shocked. I was shocked that I'd been so blind and ignorant. My eyes were now wide open and I started to drink in knowledge like a camel takes in water. I began reading books written by the people who had woken up before me and who have made it their mission to look into what we Westerner's are not supposed to know.

The language of the Koran is one that most Muslims don't speak, it is written in ancient Arabic and only those studious enough to 'want' to understand, will. Most Muslims rely on their Shieks and Imams to guide them, resulting in non Arab Muslims reciting passages and accepting a Prophet they know little about. The meaning of these passages (as so often is the case) is lost in translation. Never mind, many studious people have translated and analysed them to enable us to look into what has always been forbidden and give us the general idea.

What are the Imams and Shieks teaching? That Allah comes before everything in this life. While that doesn't sound too threatening on the surface, if you dig a little further you'll find that Allah must come before human life. Any human. Including a fellow Muslim. The Koran teaches that it's an insult to Allah if one doesn't follow his word closely enough or doesn't acknowledge its god. Mohammed's punishment for these crimes is death and he uses his followers to carry out his punishments. To get to Islamic paradise one needs to die in Jihad creating a win win situation for Islam. If one fights for Islam and kills his opponent he wins, if his opponent kills him, he and his family win and get tickets to paradise, instead of waiting conscious in the grave until judgment day.

Religion was hijacked the day Mohammed began to communicate with God. Because this communication conveniently justified his murderous desire for power. Modern day psychologists agree that Mohammed was a Warmongering Sociopath with Grandiose Delusions and an Ideology to take over the world. If he was alive today he'd be put into a Mental Asylum. (Its interesting to note that Hitler had the same characteristics and goals).

Mohammed used his communication with God to justify his rapes, raids and killings. He then cleverly closed the door on his religion ever being changed or hijacked by declaring himself to be the last in the line of religious prophets, so no one can change what he said or taught. Neither can one escape without the very real prospect of losing his life. While the world has grown past the barbarism of  Mohammed's time, Islam hasn't.  Until Muslims look at his religion with a critical eye (which makes them apostate and worthy of being killed) and move forward with the rest of the world then Islam will enslave us all, in many parts of the world it already does.

There are peaceful parts to the Koran and many Muslims follow only these, while ignoring that Mohammed himself abrogated these passages. To be a Muslim means to accept that Mohammed was the perfect Human Being. His life is the example for all Muslims to follow in every way possible. Of course, not all Muslims are very successful in this endeavour, but the level of devoutness of a Muslim is judged by how closely he follows Mohammed’s example and teachings.

The Koran instructs Muslims to follow the example of Mohammed but which example? In Mecca, Mohammed never used violence against Kaffirs and in the very early days even showed tolerance to other religions. Once in Medina though, Mohammed used violence almost all the time to achieve his aims, and never showed tolerance to Kaffirs. The Medina Koran is the later one and so abrogates the Meccan Koran, and yet the Meccan Koran is still valid because the Koran (and Mohammed) is perfect. A Muslim can follow either example. So how does a Muslim know which one to choose? As usual we have to look at Mohammed’s example to know the answer. In Mecca, Mohammed was not powerful, and was surrounded by enemies. When he went to Medina, he became powerful and used violence frequently to achieve his goals.

Some interesting undisputed events in Mohammed's life, which demonstrate his narcissistic personality;

  • Mohammed declared his loving, caring uncle who had protected him all his life to burn in hell because he wouldn't accept Islam on his death bed.
  • He killed a girls husband, father and brother and took her as a slave only to force her into marriage with him later the same day.
  • He sent his followers to bring the head of a man who was his ally back to him on a stake because of a perceived insult to Allah.
  • He persecuted the Jewish and Christians of his time because they did not accept his twist on their religion.

I'm a firm believer that to stop the islamisation of the West that all devout Muslims are calling for, the masses in this country need to wake up. We need to understand what Islam teaches and why it DOES affect us..

So I ask you, how can we fight Radical Islam when our leaders are ignoring what is written in these books and have no idea how or why Mohammed came to hold so much power. Dictators that have come since him have been hunted down and taken out for the threat they posed to the world (Hitler and Bin Laden for example). So then, why aren't we looking at the man Muslims hold so dear? Obviously, we can't hunt down Mohammed. But we can learn from history and not make the same mistakes that have been repeated the world over by ignoring his teachings.

How can our leaders stop terrorism on our shores when we have no idea what is taught in mosques and schools? There are many reports of children being taught only the word of Mohammed and mosques teaching the murderous hate filled Medina example of the Koran. We have undercover footage available of preaching's in the mosques. We have so much information available to us and yet, we are ignoring it all and giving Muslims funding to build more mosques and schools enabling them to radicalise from within.

Why aren't we blocking internet sites from ISIS that are radicalising our youth, the same way Saudi Arabia blocks its citizens from accessing books from Amazon kindle? Who is looking at this propaganda? Those who wish us harm!

Radical Islam is not just ISIS. Its Hamas, Boko Haram, Al Qaeda, Taliban, Hizb ut Tarir, Jamaah Islamiah. Its all of these (and many more) who are using the word of Mohammed to preach death to the apostates and kaffirs. Why is ISIS advancing so rapidly with little or no resistance from Muslims themselves? Because ISIS is another on the above list furthering Islam's cause, though granted they are more public about what they are doing in our technologically shrinking world.

Look around you, already people are too scared to stand up to the bullies of Islam because our survival instincts prevent us from upsetting those who are deadly about opposition, and currently Muslims are the minority. What will happen in 30 years to our aging nation when the numbers increase?

It is everyone's responsibility to look at Islam critically. We need to understand it's goals and where they come from, we need to understand why and how this religion was created. If we don't, our future generations will indeed need to move to another planet to escape Western civilisation being thrown into the same chaos we see in the middle east. I know the peaceful Muslims will outwardly disagree with what I have written here, but they know the truth, if they don't I urge them too, to learn. 

Why are Muslims so quick to hate Christians, Jews and Kaffirs but wont defend there own religion? Because it hasn't been hijacked by any terrorist organisation, Mohammed made sure of that.

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