Mohamed El Mouelhy freely bandies around the term ‘bigot’ and directs it at any person who is concerned about these issues, it’s not hard to understand why. It’s how he makes his rather comfortable lifestyle. Is he concerned that if too many people ask questions, he won’t be quite so comfortable so he needs to place ugly labels on people to keep them quiet? I don’t agree that those who are concerned are bigots, I believe we need more people like them. More people concerned about where that money is actually going. Is that money being used to fund his goals? Or is it being used to further Islam’s goal?
So for the moment, I’m going to be a ‘bigot’ and ask questions. I’m going to tell you what I have found out from a couple of news stories that we all seem to be ignoring about this particular business and its rogue mouthpiece, El Mouelhy. What is the kingpin of Halal certification saying to the Australian people? The following are statements taken from his public facebook page and directed at the Australian people, his customers. His customers who, for the most part are non muslims and have no choice but to support his business, last I checked we had a choice on which businesses we supported. Not anymore in this climate of Islamophobia.
“Thank you for funding my lifestyle, and my wife’s shoes”.
“Muslims don’t buy from Supermarkets, they buy from Halal Certified butchers”.
(So why are the major supermarkets paying this certification? So that we can buy your wife shoes? I thought the Certification was to tell Muslims what is safe for their consumption?)
“I receive a fee for certifying pork products haram”
(But don’t Muslims already know they can’t eat pork? Oh that’s right. It’s for your wife’s shoes. Whether or not this is a true statement is yet to be discovered, what I see it as, is a deliberate taunt to non muslims).
“Stopping certification is like stopping a Mack truck with a pebble”.
(Mr El Mouthy, a truck can indeed be flipped with many pebbles of the right size. You cannot take them all to court).
“I control your diet and there is no escaping”.
(No Mr Mouthy, you don’t control our diet. What you do is make yourself responsible for companies like Cadbury going out of business. Because people don’t think it is right that Easter Eggs are certified for those who don’t celebrate this Christian custom. The lifestyle you are funding is destroying businesses and lives, but I’m glad your wife has pretty shoes).
“My charity is for Muslims only, because Australians can support themselves”.
(How charitable)
So lets have a look at the charities that this business supports (you can find them tucked away nicely on his website here
Muslim Aid – a charity established by activists from Jamaat-e-Islami, the sub-continental cousin of the Muslim Brotherhood. Founding members included Chowdhury Mueen-Uddin, the British Muslim community leader recently convicted by the Bangladesh war crimes tribunal for his involvement in the mass-murder of teachers and intellectuals during the 1971 Liberation War. In 2010, The Daily Telegraph reported that Muslim Aid had funded charities connected to Palestinian terror groups Hamas and Islamic Jihad. These funds included a grant of £13,998 to the al-Ihsan Charitable Society, designated by the U.S. government as a "sponsor of terrorism."
Islamic Relief – an enormous British charity, which, in 2012, raised over £100 million [over $160 million]. Islamic Relief has received donations from terror-connected Yemeni charities, such as the Charitable Society for Social Welfare, which was established by the US-designated terrorist and "Bin Laden loyalist" Abdul Majeed Al-Zindani. In Gaza, Islamic Relief's branches have supported Hamas-run institutions, including the Islamic University of Gaza and the Al Falah Benevolent Society. Islamic Relief's Directors have included Ahmed Al-Rawi, the former President of the Muslim Brotherhood's chief lobby group in Britain, who, in 2004, signed a declaration in support of jihad against British and American forces in Iraq.
Human Appeal International – a UK-registered charity accused by the CIA and FBI of being "a fundraiser for Hamas." The charity is a proscribed "Hamas-affiliated" organisation in Israel, and both the US Internal Revenue Service and State Department consider it to be a terror-funding entity. Human Appeal International has often promoted extremist preachers in Britain. In 2011, for instance, the charity hosted an event with Haitham al-Haddad, an Islamist preacher who regards Jews as "enemies of god, and the descendants of apes and pigs" and has stated that, "Allah's law [will] govern the whole earth, and for no other law to remain." Human Appeal (Australia) raises much of its funds through an annual concert called ‘Sounds of Light’, held at the end of each year at Flemington Racecourse Melbourne, Olympic Park Sydney, Adelaide Town Hall and Riverside Theatre, Perth. A major ‘Gold’ sponsor of Sounds of Light is Halal Helpline ( An annual Gold sponsorship is $20,000. Halal Helpline is owned and run by, wait for it, none other than Mohamed El Mouelhy of the Halal Certification Authority Pty Ltd. Funding terrorism attracts a ten year jail term Mr El Mouelhy, so you’d better grab your toothbrush and a cake of soap.
Al-Imdaad Foundation – a South African charity, the British branch of which has previously partnered with Viva Palestina, the pro-Hamas charity established by George Galloway and that included Hamas activists among its staff. One of Al-Imdaad's trustees, Qari Ziyaad Patel, has written and sung a nasheed [Islamic song] in praise of the Taliban. In 2012-13, Al-Imdaad's British branch raised over £400,000 for the IHH, a Turkish charity widely accused of funding terrorism and that publicly supports Hamas. Al-Imdaad UK has also given over £50,000 (over $80,000) to the Zamzam Foundation, a Somali charity run by the Saudi funded Somali Muslim Brotherhood. In addition, events organized by Al-Imdaad UK have included speakers such as Maulana Sulaimaan Ravat, a South African preacher who has propagated conspiracy theories that Jews overthrew Libya's dictator, Colonel Gaddafi, in order to steal Libya's oil reserves.
The questions that need to be asked are, is Mr El Mouelhy aware that he is supporting radical charities? Or has he spent too much time taunting the Australian people and tying them up in court to investigate where the money may be going? Does Mr Mouthy sound like a man who wants his business to prosper? A man who wants to put the minds of the public at ease? A generous, peaceful charitable man? A man that you want to support?
Now I’m not privy to all the details that our authorities have, but it seems to me that if we are serious about stopping Islamic terror from reaching our shores, then we need to look at where these ‘businesses’ are sending their money and what they are supporting. Political Correctness is good for issues that hurt another person but when it becomes a danger to humanity it is no longer political correctness, but rather ignorance. A very dangerous ignorance indeed.
Wake up you politicians. Be there for the people and not your own pecuniary interests.